in Indieweb

Baltimore’s third November 2017 meetup for Homebrew Website Club met at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center on November 29th.

Here are the notes from the broadcast portion of tonight’s gathering! – Published a formal post about his 2018-01-01 Commitments. Selected achievable goals that he’s already started working on. – Worked on a 3D model to eventually add to her web portfolio. Still investigating the issues surrounding her domain registration. Before the new year, she’d like to get in contact with the domain provider and work out the details of her registration. – Got apostrophe.js working! Worked through some issues with getting it to run on Windows. Has started adding modules. One goal is to link the content and possibly integrate Ghost with his existing page. Before the new year, he’d like to be completely running his site with Apostrophe! Also, wants to better utilize Linux in Windows and establish a development workflow that feels right for him. – Has been working on a Thimble page for the web development module for youth at Digital Harbor Foundation. Tonight, she focused on understanding divs, classes, ids, and CSS styling. Spent time refreshing her CSS skills. Did a lot of digging and researching today, especially regarding CSS frameworks and layout options. Before the new year, she’d like to transition away from Github Pages to something else such as WordPress. – Renewed his domain! Started looking into some themes and has been thinking about his layout. Possibly considering moving from to Found a theme that he liked and may need to make it work. Before the new year, may want to look into other options for his site while retaining his domain and removing ads from his site.

Other topics that we discussed tonight:

  • POSSE concepts and the benefits of having your content on your site.
  • Having a place where all your projects and things that you want to share reside.
  • Discussed date preferences for the upcoming IndieWeb Camp Baltimore in 2018.
homebrew website club november meetup group photo


Thanks to everybody who came out! We look forward to seeing you at the Digital Harbor Foundation Tech Center for the next one! Next date is TBD.


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